Monday, September 15, 2008

Just Running

We went to a local trial this weekend and after everything that's been going on, really all that I wanted to do was have fun with my dogs, especially Kittie and we did. No obsessing to keep bars up, we just ran (and the bars came crashing down) and had a good time together. Kittie had all nice runs all with one or two bars down. Abby was her usual mix of nice try runs and total chaos runs, but that's okay.

We'll be back to obsessing about converging on her path, front crossing late so she can land first, keeping perfect pace with Kittie and all that stuff that mentally exhausts me in a few weeks, but for now I'm just running like heck.......Kittie would have won every run this weekend if dropped bars didn't count, she had great times!


Jamie said...

Sounds like you guys are having a ton of fun!! Congrats on Kittie's MACH! That is very exciting.

Jamie said...


Have you decided if you are going to attend Nationals?

westoverpugs said...

Pug nationals? No, I would love to go, but it's just so far and I'd rather not fly the girls cross country more than necessary.

Too bad we aren't on the same side of the country, I'd suggest a pug road trip!

Jamie said...

A pug road trip would be fun! Too bad you are so far away. If you ever make it out to Colorado, we should get together.