Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow Day in Boyce Park

Indy's ears present a interesting challenge when taking photos of the pack


Time to go home.....walking 5 dogs at once, when one of them is barely leash trained and another desparately wants back to the car (Willy) is tougher than it looks!


Jamie said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun. How often and for how long do you usually walk your gang?

Margie said...

cute, cute, cute! I've been wondering how things are going with little Indy. It looks like she if fitting in just great.

westoverpugs said...

I try to walk them where they can get off leash every day, unless we're at a trial, length of time varies, anywhere from 40 miutes, up to 3 hours (that's mainly on weekends). Right now, I'm having some issues with the local park...the reason we live where we do! I'm just having more trouble with other dogs, some are just obnoxious, overly friendly types and others just have no business being in the park at all. All my dogs are little, but Indy's SO tiny, she's just 3.5 pounds and I don't want her having any bad experiences, or anything worse!
I've been driving out of the city, to go to another park, that's no where near as crowded, we rarely see anyone.
I try to walk them around the neighborhood in the mornings, but haven't been lately because the salt is too hard on their feet, so we just play in the yard or inside.