Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some photos....finally!

All my posts have been photo free for a few months now (yawn), but I finally got a new camera this past weekend. I researched like crazy, asked anyone and everyone's opinions on point and shoot, dslr, canon, nikon until my head felt like it was going to explode. I finally made a decision and got a Canon EOS rebel 2ti and I'm so glad I did. I was pretty happy with my old camera, but this is night and day...not even comparable. I'm in the process of learning how to use it, but here's what I got playing around yesterday.





Gracie the Agility Pug said...

I just got that camera, too. And I LOVE it!!!!

westoverpugs said...

I drove Bill crazy with all my obsessing, but I think it made for a great choice. It's my first slr, so I'm learning how to do everything. I'm really having fun with it!

The Pug Boys said...

Looks like you're catching on very quickly. I enjoyed your pics. Keep me posted about your opinion of the camera. I'm not satisfied with the camera that I have.